Incredible icebergs seen on a Seabourn Venture expedition to Antarctica


Antarctica is home to some of the largest and most spectacular icebergs in the world formed when pieces of ice break off from glaciers and float out into the ocean. The icebergs can range in size from small chunks to giant formations that are hundreds of feet tall and several miles long.

Snow Hill Aerial shot of iceberg with zodiac Coulson and Tennant
Snow Hill Aerial shot of iceberg with zodiac Coulson and Tennant

One of the most famous icebergs in Antarctica is the tabular iceberg. These icebergs are flat and wide, with steep sides and a plateau-like top. Tabular icebergs are formed when large chunks of ice break off from ice shelves and glaciers, often in long, rectangular shapes. These icebergs can be so large that they are sometimes mistaken for islands.

Snow Hill Iceberg Coulson and Tennant
Snow Hill Iceberg Coulson and Tennant

Another type of iceberg found in Antarctica is the blue iceberg. These icebergs get their distinctive color from the way that light reflects off the ice. Blue icebergs are formed when snow falls on a glacier and is compressed into ice over time. As the ice becomes more compact, the air bubbles are squeezed out, giving the ice a blue tint.

Antarctica icebergs can pose a threat to shipping in the region, as they can be difficult to spot and can cause damage if struck. As a result, ships in the area often use radar and other technologies to track and avoid icebergs.

Weddell Sea iceberg Coulson Tennant
Weddell Sea iceberg Coulson Tennant

Despite their potential dangers, icebergs in Antarctica are also a source of fascination and wonder. Visitors to the region can take boat tours to see the icebergs up close, marveling at their size and beauty while also appreciating the fragility of the environment in which they exist.

We highly recommend seeing the icebergs on a Seabourn Antarctica cruise aboard the Seabourn Venture.