10 Great Places That Live Up to Their Reputation
2013-09-11Some places get such a build-up that they can’t possibly live up to their reputation. Visitors leave having checked off their bucket list, but feeling vaguely unsatisfied. But occasionally a destination delivers big time, says Jamie Wong, founder of Vayable.com, a site connecting visitors to locals who offer insider tours and travel advice. “Even in the hyped up world of travel, some places are truly remarkable,” Wong says. She shares some favorites with Larry Bleiberg for USA TODAY.
Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona and Utah. Even though it has grand in its name, nothing can prepare you for the initial view from the edge of the canyon. “The colors in relief, the vastness, the different texture, the juxtaposition against the sky. It’s absolutely stunning and there’s just no way you can be let down by this,” says Wong, who urges visitors to hike into the canyon and explore.928-638-7888
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