Cruiseline Loyalty Programs


Like the air­lines’ fre­quent fli­er pro­grams, cruise lines re­ward loy­al cus­tomers to en­cour­age re­peat busi­ness. It’s not like­ly to in­flu­ence your choice of cruise your first time out, but on most lines, af­ter you com­plete your first cruise you’ll be au­to­mat­ical­ly en­rolled in said line’s loy­al­ty pro­gram, which ba­si­cal­ly means a bunch of mail­ings and e-mails ad­ver­tis­ing fu­ture cruis­es (which you can un­sub­scribe from if they be­come an­noy­ing) will be sent your way. But be­fore you dis­miss your new sta­tus, rec­og­nize that there is some val­ue to be had here. Re­peat cruis­ers are typ­ical­ly of­fered 5% to 10% dis­counts (some­times high­er) on fu­ture cruis­es (check de­tails at spe­cif­ic cruise line web­sites).

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