Hawaii Cruise Guide


Year-round, week­long sail­ings on Nor­we­gian Cruise Line’s Pride of Amer­ica em­bark from Hon­olu­lu and vis­it Maui, Kauai as well as Hi­lo and Kona on the Big Is­land. Each is­land of­fers dis­tinc­tive plea­sures, in­clud­ing stun­ning beach­es, lu­aus, surf­ing, trop­ical forests, cof­fee plan­ta­tions, hump­back whales, and vol­canic peaks (and even the chance to view a still-ac­tive vol­cano).

Small ship line Un-Cruise Adventures al­so offers cruis­es from Maui to more re­mote ports, from Febru­ary to April. These ships can do in­ner-Hawaii routes be­cause they are U.S. reg­is­tered. Un­der U.S. law non-U.S. registered ships must in­clude a port call out­side the coun­try, so oth­er cruise lines vis­it Hawaii on­ly on longer itineraries that in­clude Cana­da or Mex­ico. While fam­ilies sail in Hawaii at hol­iday times and in sum­mer, Hawai­ian cruis­es tend to at­tract more of an older adult crowd. The cruise sea­son is year-round.

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